Work Lookup

Work Lookup


  • Work lookups are a great tool that allow you to search a broad or specific set of details, ranging from specific ASNs to all open putaways.

Work Lookup

  • The Work Lookup menu option can often be found in most menu profiles under ‘Lookup’, but most commonly will be located under a dedicated profile - Lookup → Lookups → Work Lookup.

  • Now on the Work Lookup screen you have many options for searching all existing works in the system. At the top you have specific searches, if you already know those details - for example, Work Control Number, ASN, LPN, Purchase Order, etc.

  • Underneath you have the option for a more broad search with some filtering options. Here you can search for works using 2 major criteria: Work Type and Status, with optional Priority.

  • Work types can vary from ASN Receiving to Cluster Picks to Cycle Counting.

  • Once you have selected your work type, you can choose the status you would like to search for. These are typically Open, Completed, Working, etc.


  • Once you have entered the criteria, click the magnifying glass on the right to search. The results will initially appear grouped by date. You will also be able to see how many works match that criteria for each day. Click the blue ‘View’ button to drill down further into a specific date.

  • You will then be taken to the Work Type View screen, which allows you to see all the works for that particular day, matching your search options. Accompanying information will be displayed in the columns, depending on the work lookup performed, as well as the Work Control Number.

  • From this screen, you have several more options. If you have the correct permissions, you can change the status of the work, or reassign it. You can also see information on the history, or drill down further to see more work details. Clicking the blue ‘Detail’ button will take you to the Work Detail screen for that work.

  • From here you can see more detailed information, including header details, like activity dates/tasks, and line level details like product information and quantity.


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