Tuesday, 5th (Version #112)

Tuesday, 5th (Version #112)

Recent releases from our Production deployment Version #112 include numerous updates that we believe you will find helpful. Please note that all releases apply to all customers and do not require setting up unless stated otherwise. Program updates include:

Inventory Transactions Scheduler

Enhancement that allows kitting transactions to be read and added into the report. Please note that this only applies to customers who have the the inventory transaction details integration scheduler set up.


  • Enhancement for the inventory adjustment scheduler to process PO number 'KITBUILD' records into the inventory interface table

  • Enhancement for the ‘KITBUILD’ transactions to send BLK area records to the inventory interface table when the ‘KITBUILD’ general code is set for interface type = 'ADJUSTMENT'

    • To set up, the General Code ‘KITBUILD’ with interface type ‘ADJUSTMENT’ will need to be added.

  • Enhancement for PO Fields to populate with 'KITBUILD' Value.

Old Trouble Release Scheduler

Logic to prevent the old trouble release scheduler from running if it was set up by mistake. The scheduler could be set up, but it will change the status to 'ERROR' and will not be rescheduled.

Rate Shop

Enhancement to change error message from the ship screen to provide the source of error if the error is from the carrier and not JASCI, so user will know exatcly what is the error from and what is wrong.

If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.

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