Slotting and Product ABC Codes

Slotting and Product ABC Codes


Relationship between Slotting and Product ABC Codes

Product ABC Code allows for slotting rules to follow the sequence of the ABC code. The relationship between slotting and product ABC codes is where the JASCI will put products that are flagged as fast movers in the company’s catalog into the fastest moving locations. As the fastest moving locations run out, the fastest moving products will move to the next fast location available.

Location slot sequences and Product ABC codes range from 0-9

  • 0 is meant for high-velocity products. Locations that are ideal for storing high-velocity items (i.e., floor locations, end caps, locations closest to packing stations, etc.) should be marked as 0 as well. This means that when a product that is marked as 0 is received, JASCI will attempt to slot it to a location that is flagged as 0. 

  • In contrast, 9 is meant for slow-moving/non-moving products. As such, locations that are not ideal (i.e., back of the warehouse, up in the air, etc.) should be marked as 9 as well. When a slow/non-mover is received, we will target location flagged accordingly.

  • This is referred to as a "sequence", because when a match is not found during slotting, JASCI can utilize everything in between (values 1-8). If a 0 product is received but no 0 locations are currently available, JASCI can check for a location flagged as 1 (locations that are not the best, but are next to the best). If a 1 isn't available, JASCI will check for a 2, then a 3, so on and so forth.

  • However, if a 9 is received, it will not go backwards. JASCI will never check for a location whose slot sequence is lower than a product's ABC code.

  • Please note that Area is also a factor for slotting, which is determined by slotting categories. Those will be checked first before the sequence.

If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.

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