Cluster Pick
Select Cluster Pick
The flow for cluster picks can typically be found under Outbound->Pick->Pick Cluster All
Execute Cluster Pick
Once selected, scan the work zone you want to pick in.
Next, scan the cart you will be using for picking. The cart may have LPNs assigned to the slots already, otherwise there will be an opportunity to assign them here.
Once cart details are entered, the operator will be guided to the pick location. After the location and product barcode is scanned, the operator will be prompted to scan the LPN of the indicated slot. If the full quantity cannot be picked, the ‘Cut’ button can be used to allow for the product to be picked later. This will also generate a Location Check for the cut location.
Repeat the previous step for all required products. The flow will then indicate where to take the cart, and once there the operator can select 'Confirm Drop Off All' to complete the pick.