Product Maintenance
Select Product Maintenance
The Product Maintenance screen can typically be found in the 'Setup' menu profile under Maintenance → Product Maintenance.
Once selected you can search for and edit an existing products using ID or description, or select ‘New’ to create a new container.
You can also view any products that are On Hold.
New Product Creation
Once on the Product creation screen, complete the following required fields, as well as any optional fields desired:
Product - The unique Product ID to be used in work flows and lookups.
Quality - Allows a quality to be tied to a product, if applicable.
Description Short, Long - Descriptive information to help users identify the product.
Measurement Type - Choose between Metric or Standard.
Style/Size/Color Code - Optional Style Codes - eg. Men/Women
Serial Type 01 - Options for serial types - such as Inventory Controlled products. Multiple types are accepted.
Lot Controlled Item - Allow for Inventory controlled by Lot.
Number of days to Expiration - Enter number of days to expire after receiving for a particular product.
Match Product - When an order requires this product to be picked, the Match Product must be picked as well.
Special Handling Code - Can be displayed on the packing screen to show special instructions.
Ship As Is - Ship with the original box.
Date Sequence - Determines allocation process for picking. (FIFO, FEFO, etc)
Season Code - For Seasonal items.
Requires Cube - Use Cube size to determine slotting rules.
Case Pickable - Allow a case pick for this product.
Quarantine Days - Receiving flow will verify the product has completed the quarantine time.
Product Class - Provide product class value for international products.
Hold Code - At order download, if order contains this product, the order will be placed on hold.
Hold to Date - Define day to release the order that was placed on hold due to this product.
Sales Quantity Per Day - Value for reports and analysis.
Number of Ship Days To Expiration - Ensures a product will not expire during shipping.
Picture Required - Allows for the capture of an image of the product to be tied to the work.
Product ABC Code - Allows for slotting rules to follow the sequence of the ABC code.
Product Category - Allows for categorization by features of the product.
Product Image - Option for a product image URL to appear in flows.
Product Slotting Category - Allows for slotting based on product features.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.