Relationship between Slotting and ABC Products
Product ABC Code allows for slotting rules to follow the sequence of the ABC code. The relationship between slotting and product ABC codes is where the JASCI will put products that are flagged as fast movers in the company’s catalog into the fastest moving locations. As the fastest moving locations run out, they fastest moving products will move to the next fast location available.
Please note that Location slot sequences and Product ABC codes are labeled differently for each company, ranging from 1-9, A-Z, etc. with 1 or A being the fastest moving product/location, and 9 or Z being the slowest.
Area is also a factor for slotting, for example, the product is a shoe, so it will need to go to the shoe area; the product is a garment, so it will need to go to a hanging area.
Similar to the Putwall program, there is a field called ‘Priority’ in the put wall cubes. When the user is loading the putwall, it will fill the area of the put wall that is set as the priority.
For example, there are 10 orders and 100 slots in the putwall. If the user sets the middle area of the slots as the priority, it will slot those 10 orders to the middle of the putwall as it loads the putwall based on the priority sequence.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.