Tuesday, 7th (Version #119)
Recent releases from our Production deployment Version #119 includes updates that we believe you will find helpful. Please note that all releases apply to all customers and do not require setting up unless stated otherwise. Program updates include:
Trouble Orders
Orders with TROUBLE_ORDER as ‘YES' it will also be flagged as ALLOCATION_RELEASE as 'Y’ so the next Trouble Release scheduler will pick them up.
Updates made to the interface program to carry the LAST_ACTIVITY_TASK field from the INVENTORY_TRANSACTIONS table.
Update the ‘getInventoryAdjustmentInterface' scheduler to not change the status in the IF_INVENTORIES table if the status is already 'PROCESSED'.
Interface - IF Shipment Headers and Details
Add logic to not include duplicate rows of set parent products based on control flag. To setup, JASCI will need to set up IF_CONTROLS.CONTRO32 as ‘Y’.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.