Select Carts Maintenance
The Carts Maintenance screen can typically be found in the 'Setup' menu profile under Cart Setup-> Carts Maintenance.
Once selected you can search for and edit an existing carts using several options, or select ‘New’ to create a new container.
New Cart Creation
Once on the Cart creation screen, complete the following required fields, as well as any optional fields desired:
Cart ID - Unique Identifier for the Cart.
Number of Slots - How many containers can fit on the cart.
Cart Type - Specify the processes the cart will be used for.
PreLabel LPN - Enable a static LPN attached to the cart. (If no, LPN will be assigned in flow)
LPN At Dropoff - Determine what happens to the Cart/LPN at dropoff. (release, transfer, clear, etc)
Select Order base on Container ID - Container information will determine assigned orders.
Work Type PreAssigned - Specify a worktype to the cart to limit order options. (Overrides Container work type)
Department - Specify the location the cart will be used. (Inbound, Outbound, etc)
Description Short, Long - Short and long descriptions of the cart.
Editing an Existing Cart
A cart can be searched for by specifying the desired ID, description, department, status or type and clicking ‘Search’.
Then select the cart and click ‘Edit’
Once on the Edit screen, the fields of the original creation screen can be adjusted.
Other information can also be viewed and edited, such as the Status, the Team Member currently assigned, and the LPN column can be clicked into for a PreLabeled LPN.