Menu Profiles are the broadest categorization of JASCI’s Workflows, such as Inbound, Outbound and Inventory. Under each Profile there are typically multiple sub-profiles, which will contain the menu options. In Menu Profile Maintenance, you can choose the titles of these Profiles, and select which sub-profiles and options will appear and where.
Select Work Bench Maintenance
Work Bench Maintenance is usually found under ADMIN → Menu → Menu Profile Maintenance.
Once selected, Menu Profiles can be searched by Name, Description or Type - or click ‘Display All’ to view all existing Menu Options.
Create/Edit a Menu Profile
Once viewing the Menu Profiles, they can be edited with the blue ‘Edit’ button, or a new Profile can be created with the green ‘Add New’ button.
On the Maintenance screen, information such as the ID, Menu Type and Description (visible at the top of the screen to users).
The ‘Available Menu Options’ table is a list of all available Menu Options, and the ‘Assign Menu Profiles Options’ table is the list of all Menu Options currently assigned to this Profile.
Click a Menu Option to highlight it (the CTRL key can be held down to select multiple, and the SHIFT key can be held down to select a range). Then click the arrow corresponding with the direction you wish to move the Menu Option(s). The double arrows will move all possible Menu Options from one side to the other.
The ‘Select Application’ dropdown will filter what menu options appear in the ‘Available Menu Options’ list on the left.
Click ‘Save/Update’ to save changes, or ‘Cancel’ to return the Profile to its previous state. Click the ‘Home’ icon in the top right to refresh and view saved changes.