Select Scheduler
The Scheduler option will usually be found under Admin → Integrations Setup → Scheduler.
Once selected, all existing schedulers will be displayed. These can be edited, paused or cancelled from this screen, and their run history can be viewed as well.
Create a Scheduler
Schedulers in JASCI serve many functions, including Order and Product download, Cycle Count generation and loading locations.
Click the green ‘New’ button to create a new Scheduler.
Populate the following fields to create the scheduler:
Schedule Type - set to Reoccurring to have the scheduler repeat, otherwise it will run only once.
Short/Long Description - The scheduler title, shown on the previous screen.
Execution Path - The http path corresponding with the desired JASCI Function.
Schedule date - The start date of the Scheduler.
Schedule Time - The time of day the scheduler will begin running.
Start/End Time - The hours of the day the scheduler is allowed to run between.
Re-schedule After - Length of time to wait before re-running the scheduler.
Once all information has been entered, select ‘Save/Update’.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.