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If there is an issue that is preventing an order from being picked, packed, and shipped, it is likely a trouble order.
Select View Trouble Orders
View Trouble Orders can usually be found under Outbound → Trouble → View Trouble Order
To filter for the order you are searching for, you can filter by:
Selecting a Column: Credit Hold, Date Created (DD-MM-YY), Hold Until Date, Order Hold, Order Number, Product, Purchase Order, Sales Order ID, Ship Complete, Trouble Reason, Work Control Number, or Priority Code.
Selecting an Operator and entering the value: Equal, Not Equal, Starts With, or Contains
Actions for orders in Trouble View
Detail - Redirects the user to the work details of the order.
Release - Releasing the order from trouble
Remove Hold - Removes hold from order
Logs - Opens a small window that will show the log messages for the order
Cancel - Redirects the user to a different page to proceed with canceling product, product quantity, or the order entirely
Unallocate - Redirects the user to a different page to proceed with unallocating quantities or lines from the order
Update Lot - Redirects the user to a different page to update lots
Select Trouble Station
Trouble Station Orders can usually be found under Outbound → Trouble → Trouble Station
Trouble Station will allow you to pick an order that is in trouble.
The user will need a trouble work bench from the Work Bench Maintenance menu option to begin using the Trouble Station. This can typically be found under SETUP → Maintenance → Work Bench Maintenance.
The user will then need the LPN from the trouble order to proceed, or clicking on the ‘Display All’ button to view all orders in trouble with LPNs.
Once you find the order you need to pick, you can enter the quantity needed to pick under ‘QTY Re-Pick’, then click on the ‘Manual’ button.
Once clicking on the ‘Manual’ button, the system will ask you to select an Area/Location, click ‘Ok’, and enter an LPN.
New logic was added for Area/Location, where non-allocatable locations are ‘blocked’ during picking.