Confirm FROM location and product quantity
The operator selects the ‘Inventory Move’ from the menu
The operator scans the ‘FROM’ location
If the location contains no inventory and/or is not valid the system will display an error message and return the operator to scan the location
If the location contains inventory and is valid the system will display the product information, location, inventory controls (lot, best before date, and serial and LPN controlled), and the current quantity.
If a location is set as 'multi-products', and one of the products in this location has a 'hold' in inventory_levels, the program will allow other products to be moved the same location.
Depending on the quantity to move, the operator will select one of the below:
‘Move All’ - Moves the entire quantity in the ‘FROM’ location
If the operator is moving the entire quantity to a new location, the user selects ‘Move All’
The operator moves to Step 2, and scans the ‘TO’ Location
‘Move’ - This action moves the quantity entered by the operator
If the operator is moving only some of the product in the ‘FROM’ location, the user selects ‘Move’
If the quantity to be moved is less than or equals the available quantity the operator moves to Step 2 and scans the ‘TO’ location
If the quantity to be moved is more than or does not equal the available quantity, the system displays an error message and returns the operator to the ‘Move’ screen.
Scan ‘TO’ Location and product quantity
The operator scans the ‘TO’ location
If the location is not valid the system returns the operator to the scan ‘TO’ location screen
If the location is LPN-Controlled and the inventory move is for the full quantity, ‘Move All’, the system follows the below steps:
If no more inventory needs to be moved the inventory move process is complete
If there are more LPNs to be moved the operator is returned to Step 1