Recent releases from our Production deployment Version #97 include numerous updates that we believe you will find helpful. Please note that all releases apply to all customers and do not require setting up unless stated otherwise. Program updates include:
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New execution in Order Allocation Inventory flow to auto-cut order lines if inventory is not available. This does not apply to all customers, and to set up, JASCI will need to add a new execution in the Order Allocation Inventory flow.
New execution in Order Allocation Inventory flow to trigger the Soft and Hard Allocation. This does not apply to all customers, and to set up, JASCI will need to add a new execution in the Order Allocation Inventory flow.
New execution in Allocation flow to perform lane assignment based on priority sequence. This does not apply to all customers, and to set up, JASCI will need to add a new execution in the Allocation flow.
Cluster Pick Discrete
New execution in cluster pick discrete flow to uplift the priority of the works associated to the same sales order from the picking cart. This does not apply to all customers, and to set up, JASCI will need to add a new execution in the Cluster Pick Discrete flow.
Get Inventory Adjustment Scheduler
The Get Inventory Adjustment scheduler will no longer look into locations with empty product in the interface table as this cannot be posted back to any integration program.
Print Packing Slip Label
JASCI added total package, carton number value from work type headers as printable fields on packing slips. To set up, JASCI team needs to modify label definition, and add the carton number calculate execution at order allocation flow and order picking flow.
Print UCC Label
Based on the 'CUSTOMERS' table and the 'CustomerField1Text' column, if this field is marked as 'Y', JASCI will able to calculate the carton number and package number for the set product in sales orders, and display the carton number and package number for Set product on the label. If customers wish to utilize this new feature, JASCI will need to mark the 'CustomerField1Text' column as 'Y' in the 'CUSTOMERS' table (back end), and also modify label definitions.
Putwall Load
Enhancement to improve Putwall load speed.
Work Histories
Work histories now has a work_history_code called before shipping to help identify issues during shipping and provide the IP of the server to get the logs.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.