Work Bench Maintenance is usually found under Setup → Maintenance → Work Bench Maintenance.
Once selected, all existing work benches will be displayed along with several columns of information. Click Existing work benches can be edited - or click the green ‘Add New’ button to begin creating a new work bench.
Once on the Work Bench creation screen, there are many options for work bench information and logic.
Bench Type - Specify the intended uses for the bench. (Packing, Shipping, Trouble, etc)
Bench - The unique Bench ID to be used in work flows and lookups.
Description Short, Long - Descriptive information to help users identify the bench.
Department - The department the bench will be used for.
Computer Name - Name of the computer associated with the work bench (via printnode)
Weight Scale Name - ID of the weight scale associated with the work bench (via printnode)
Set Assembly - Enable Set Assembly Screen to allow for packing ‘Set’ orders.
Pack Singles Product Dimensions - When packing Singles, allow for use of Product dimensions instead of Box dimensions.
Process Shipment - Allow the bench to process shipments and generate shipment confirmation.
Enter Product QTY if greater than - If an order has a quantity greater than the set number, the user will be able to enter the quantity rather than scan each individual barcode.
Pack Scan Product Auto Carton Full - Automatically trigger ‘Carton Full’ after last product is scanned, rather than clicking the ‘'Carton Full’ button.
Pack Scan Product Auto Carton Full Allow Split Sets - Allow to split sets at Pack Scan Product.
Is VAS Required - Enable an alert at the Packing Screen to check if the shipment needs any VAS process.
Pack with Product Special Description - Use a product’s Special Description as the identifier at packing.
Pack with Lot - Require a Lot scan at the point of Packing.
Rate Shop with Dimensioner - Trigger a rate shop based on the dimensions provided by a dimensioner.
Display Rate Shop Price - On the Shipping screen, show or hide the prices on the list of carriers provided by the Rate Shop function.
Rate Shop Process:
System Selected - Pre-configured rate shop before an order reaches shipping - pre-assigned carrier.
User Selected - User clicks ‘Rate Shop’ to receive list of carrier and selects one.
Auto Selected - The system selects an option from the rate shop - user has ability to override.
Use Special 2D Barcode in Packing - Replaces usual Product scan.
Pack Station Ship all LPNs - Allows for scanning a single LPN of a group of LPNs to automatically ship all.
Allow Address Changes on Packing - Allows for adjusting ‘Ship To’ address from the packing screen.
Weight Control at Packing - Options for populating and adjusting the Weight field at the work bench.
Packing ability to Scan Box Barcode - Split a shipment by scanning a Box barcode.
Keep Log of Rate Shop Details - Retain associated Rate Shop information for later review.
Cart Processed Used - Enable when Containers are fixed to a Cart and will be reused in the same configuration for picking. Will only be released after packing.
Pro Number at Shipping - Allow entry of Pro Number at Shipping Screen instead of Close Truck.
Auto Ship - Ships automatically from mobile flow without packing station or shipping screen.
Use Multi-Piece Shipment Logic - If shipment is split at pack/scan product, all shipments for the same order will have a shared checking number.
Carry Same ASN From Original Work - Utilize customer ASN on the packing box.
Printer Use Code 01 - Determines the type of label that will be printed - depending on printer type.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.