Select Gate Check-In
Gate Check-In can usually be found under Yard->YMS Gate Check-In. You may be asked to sign in to a workbench.
Once in the flow, you will be able to see all your current and future appointments for the day, along with their details, such as time, company and door. You can easily swap between your appointments for visibility and maintenance by clicking the blue arrows.
You can manually mark a truck as arrived or departed using the blue ‘DEPART/ARV’ buttons below. This will then prompt the operator to confirm the trailer/cab license, and if matching, will update the appointment accordingly.
You can also search for, and subsequently select and modify, any of your appointments - past, present or future - using the ‘SRC’ button. The operator will be prompted to search using Carrier or Company, and will then be provided with a list of corresponding appointments that they can then select and update as shown before.