Recent releases from our Production deployment Version #91 include numerous updates that we believe you will find helpful. Please note that all releases apply to all customers and do not require setting up unless stated otherwise. Program updates include:
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Amazon Shipping API v2 (not yet announced - keep in here?)
3rd Party Partner Integration (Enabling Amazon Marketplace Seller and Other Sales Channel Sellers)
For more information, please visit the Carrier Maintenance page - page needs to be added
Company Maintenance
Fix for the issue of company logo not uploading properly. To set up, please visit the ‘Company Maintenance’ screen, edit a company's logo by importing it and clicking 'Save/Update'. For more information, please visit the Company Maintenance page.
New logic added to generate promised date for UCC label. To set up, JASCI will need to add label header field 'promised_date' to label definitions to display on UCC label.
need label to create page dedicated to labels?
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket with JASCI Support. Please refer to the Ticketing Instructions page for further instructions.